NVCEO represents thousands of equestrians belonging to 20 separate
member organizations throughout the region. The primary goal
of the Coalition is to preserve and grow the horse community of
Northern Virginia. As a business that supports our horse
industry in Northern Virginia, we encourage your business to partner
with the NVCEO by becoming a "Commercial Member" of the Coalition.
As the Coalition builds a united voice for our horse community in
Northern Virginia your alliance with us is critical to helping us
achieve our goals.
Membership in the NVCEO is a nominal $50 annual membership fee. Your
business will directly benefit from membership in the Coalition.
Commercial members are invited to attend all Coalition functions and
activities. Each commercial member will be listed in our
“Annual Directory” which is distributed to every member of all
Coalition Member Organizations. Thousands of horse owners in
Northern Virginia will use this Directory every day to make their
buying decisions. In addition, Commercial Members are listed
on our online Directory.
If your
business supports and/or obtains a portion of its income from the
horse community please consider becoming a Commercial Member of the
NVCEO today.
Download a Commercial Business Member
in MS Word
in Adobe