The NVCEO uses

for our NVCEO
Member Services Functions
Please Click Here to go to
the NVCEO Yahoo Group now
Frequently Asked Questions about

Yahoo Groups is a
"user maintained" email list. You, the user, control the email
address you want to have your mail sent too and how often you want mail
delivered to you. Yahoo Groups eliminates the need for the NVCEO to
maintain an ever changing list of email addresses.
Also, Yahoo Groups has many features
that are helpful to the NVCEO, such as email message archiving, "Database"
features, a group "Calendar" with event reminder capability, and a "Files"
section to archive official NVCEO document for all registered members to
see. You will find in the files section the minutes from meetings,
bylaws, articles of incorporation and more.
Click on the link above to the NVCEO
Yahoo Group. You will be redirected to the Yahoo Group.
Once at the NVCEO Yahoo Group, click on the button that says "Join this Group". If you
don't have a Yahoo ID (a screen name with Yahoo), the next screen will ask
if you are "New to Yahoo". Click on
"Sign up now" to register with Yahoo and obtain your own Yahoo ID screen
name. Once you have registered with Yahoo return to the NVCEO Yahoo Group,
sign in with your new Yahoo ID screen name and click on the "Join the
Group" button again.
Please note that the NVCEO Yahoo Group is a "restricted group" meaning
that you must be the authorized delegate of your equestrian organization
to the NVCEO. Once you apply to Join the Yahoo Group, you will be
granted access to the Yahoo Group upon confirmation of your NVCEO
How do I post an email message to the group?
Upon confirmation of your affiliation with the NVCEO
you will have access to email all members of the NVCEO Yahoo Group by
simply sending your email to "".
Your email message will be automatically distributed to all members of the
NVCEO Yahoo Group and will also be archived on the NVCEO Yahoo Group
I joined one of the lists but I am getting too many emails from
the list?
When you joined the
list you were given a choice to receive "individual emails" for every
email that is posted, or a "Daily Digest" which is one email that contains
all the day's messages in one concise email. You may want to change
from "individual emails" to "Daily Digest". You can
also chose the "No Email" option and just view the messages from the
respective Yahoo Group websites. There is a link to each Yahoo Group
websites in the menu on the left side of each page of the NVCEO website.
However, so you do not miss any critical information from the NVCEO we
highly recommend that you choose the "Individual Emails" option.
Go to the Yahoo Group
you have subscribed too and sign in with your Yahoo ID. Once you
have signed in, click on the link for "Edit My Membership". You will
find the Edit link near the top of the page on the right side.
You really don't have
to. You can change your email setting to "No Emails". By
changing to "No Emails" you will no longer get emails from the
Yahoo Group, but
you still have web access to go back to the group and see the messages you
want at the Yahoo Group website. You also still have access to all the other
features of the Yahoo Group, such as the Calendar, List of Links, File
etc. If you still truly want to unsubscribe, send an email to
Please note that the NVCEO Yahoo Group is the official email distribution
for the NVCEO Board of Directors/Delegates. If you unsubscribe from the group you are
eliminating the ability to receive official emails from the NVCEO and you
are eliminating access to the NVCEO Yahoo Group.
Yahoo Groups is a
"user maintained" email list. When you signed up for your Yahoo ID
screen name
you told Yahoo what your email address was. If you change your email
address you need to go back and tell Yahoo what your new email address is.
Go to
Find the "Sign In" button
at and log in to Yahoo with your Yahoo ID and Screen name.
After logging in to Yahoo
you will see your name is now highlighted as a link. Click on
your name. You may be asked to verify your Yahoo password.
This will take you to your "Yahoo Account" page.
Here you can change your
"primary" email address on file with Yahoo to your new
email address.
After you change
your email address with Yahoo you will need to go
to the NVCEO Yahoo Group and click on "edit my
membership" to update your email address within the group. You should
see a drop down menu with your old and new email addresses. Select
the email address that you wish to receive message at.
Assuming you do not have your email
set to "no email", the problem may be with your ISP, your spam
filtering or even firewall settings if the problem is on your work pc.
Many companies set up firewalls to block emails from group lists.
Your options would be to use a generic email that you can access from home
such as Hotmail, AOL mail, Yahoo Mail or one of the many free email
services out there. Remember if you change your email that you
use you will need to go to Yahoo and update the email address on file with
Yahoo. See the previous item/FAQ for more details. If you
don't have the ability to use a generic email address you can always go to
each NVCEO Yahoo Group website page and view, post and search email messages
directly at the NVCEO Yahoo Groups websites.
When you registered
with Yahoo there was a section asking if you wanted to receive emails from
their marketing partners. By default, Yahoo checks many of the boxes for these
marketing partners. You may have skipped over this section when you
really should have unchecked the boxes.
Go to:
and click on the link for
"How do I edit my marketing preferences"
Yes! Contact
Jeff Shoup at or